Welcome to Electronics Recycling

Why Recycle

Why Recycle? Think about it. Every year millions of computers, monitors and other electronics are retired. Most of this equipment ends up sitting in a warehouse, becoming more obsolete, and taking up valuable space. Because of the toxic nature of their components, dumping of computers and related electronics in landfills is now prohibited.

Federal and state laws have placed restrictions upon the manner in which computer equipment is disposed of. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act states that businesses are prohibited from dumping computers and computer equipment because they are regulated as a toxic waste product. Computers and monitors contain such hazardous chemicals as lead, phosphorous, cadmium, barium and mercury.

The solution is to recycle. Recycling computers can take different directions. Equipment that is no longer wanted may still have some value. Depending on the current market, this equipment can be remarketed. Many companies are pleased to be able to recover some value from these assets

Not all obsolete and unwanted computer equipment is ready for the end of its life cycle. AET evaluates each piece of equipment that comes to our warehouse to determine its condition. While some equipment is ready for End of Life (EOL) recycling, some other may be refurbished and remarketed, extending its useful life. Most of the equipment that is discarded is demanufactured, that is, it is broken down into its major parts, e.g. precious metals, plastics, and glass. Once separated, these parts can shipped to major refiners who specialize in that commodity.

Recycling is everyone's responsibility and AET is here to make it easy for you.

If your city, county or state no laws on The Disposal of Computer Equipment, it is coming! Be prepared and Re-Cycle now.